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Harts Healed Ministries Welcomes You

Image by Martin Péchy

About Us

We have been ministers in the church for more than twenty years.  We began our careers in business (Lorrie was an engineer, Steve was a CPA) and each of us transitioned into church ministry, completed seminary, and were ordained in the Episcopal Church.   We served as pastors -- between us we have 35 years of experience in church leadership and pastoring.    Lorrie also served as a hospital chaplain for ten years, specializing in in-patient behavioral health and addiction rehab. 

     After we qualified in 2016 for the Healing House Network team with Restoring the Foundations (RTF), we retired from parish ministry and began ministering RTF. Although we trained with and taught other healing ministry models, we found Restoring the Foundations unique in that it goes to the core issues. It is an honor and privilege to pray with others.  We take great joy seeing Jesus heal them and set them free!

We live in Georgetown, Texas, with our sweet Labrador Retriever, Ladybug.  In our blended family we have seven grown children and three grandchildren.  

Ministry Basics

Defined by:
Expertise. Listening. Confidential.
Scripturally based.

Are you feeling "stuck" in your past? Have you been wounded by church leaders, friends or family? We can help you realize freedom from the chains of the past. 

Our ministry is principle based rather than problem based; this means we are able to successfully apply these principles to any problem.

Freedom from Shame



Shame runs like malware in our background.  Shame drains our energy, eats up our relational bandwidth, and even steals our identity.  Somewhere along the way we start believing in the shame more than we believe in ourselves.  Or believe in God. Shame uses our mistakes and failures, and every hurt and disappointment, to lie to us about who we are.  "I'm not good enough."  "There is something wrong with me."  "I am not worthy of love."
But shame is a liar.   God's word to us is never shameful.  The Bible says the person who remains in Him will never be put to shame.  You can hear God's true word about who you are!

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Freedom From Trauma and

Hurtful Relationships


We all have trauma--trauma of the things that should never have happened to us: abandonment, loss, sickness, accidents, abuse;  and the trauma of the things that should have happened to us and didn't: lack of protection, guidance, nurture, or lack of love.

Every day these unhealed hurts  impact how we think and feel. They distort what we expect of life, and what we believe about ourselves, others and God. 

God's heart is to heal the brokenhearted, and to set the captives free.  One key that God gives us is forgiveness.  Even when we are still hurt and angry.  Even when our hearts are broken.  Appropriating God's grace to forgive opens the door to your healing.

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Freedom for Love and Community



We are created for relationship. So many of us carry hurts and rejection that cause us to withdraw and isolate, trapped into a life of fear. We help others find freedom for healthy, loving relationships with ourselves, our families, friends, and with God.

Happy Family

Testimonials from Our Ministry Receivers

Image by cristina ponciano

Steve & Lorrie's patience, compassion, and kindness made me feel welcome and safe to bring up some of the hardest things. God used them in an incredible way for me to open up to His healing and love to fall in love with God all over again!

North Carolina, 2020

My relationships have strengthened in quality, increased communication, and greater demonstration of love. I am blessed with greater intimacy with God, and walking more in the flow of the Holy Spirit. I have connected many, many people with Steve & Lorrie's ministry, and it has been life-changing and rich for all of them!

John & Patricia
Kansas, 2018

I used to believe the lie that I am not good enough. But as a result in dealing with the lie and replacing it with Gods truth (that I am extraordinary) I applied for a promotion at work. In the past I would have not gone for it because of fear, but thanks to RTF and the freedom I received, I had the courage to apply -- and get the promotion!

Germany, 2018

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Mark and Jane Burlinson.jpeg
Peaceful Lake View

I enjoy being around people and interacting now instead of being on guard all the time. When I was walked through a childhood trauma in the unique way the ministry does it, I had resolution and relief from the after effects. This occurred at the age of 5, and I am now 76!

Florida, 2021

The freedom RTF ministry brought to us has transformed our marriage and equipped us to lead our church in a healthy way. Our church family see the love in our relationships with each other and with them. They are drawn to God’s love expressed in healthy beliefs and freedom from emotional pain.

Mark and Jane
Myrtle Beach, SC, 2021

I had been in a difficult season of rising stress and anxiety until I finally ended up in the ER with a panic attack. I didn't know what the underlying issue's were, but through RTF Ministry and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I was able to find a deep root of anxiety and fear in my life. Jesus came to bring healing in this area of my life. I am grateful to share that there has been much more peace and rest in my life as I continue to walk out the healing that Jesus started in me during my RTF Ministry time.

Durham, NC, 2020


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